All of my science classes have begun planning for this year's science fair! All of the work will be done in class, so no worries for parents at home!

Periods 2, 3, and 5 are working together on a science fair project on Groundwater Pollution.

Period 7 is teaming up with Ms. Brook's high school class to work together on a science fair project on Thermal Pollution.
There is a reading test tomorrow on chapters 1-5 of IOTBD. It will cover comprehension and vocabulary. Students will be coming home with a study guide that consists of the assignments they've completed and need to study for the test. Please make sure  your child studies this tonight!

There is also a science test tomorrow, which will cover evolution and fossils. Students will be coming home with a study guide that has questions and answers. Please make sure your child studies this tonight!
In order to make it more convenient for both parents and students, I have now changed the reading homework so that the reading log is at the bottom of the reading homework worksheet for parents to sign. Please look out for this new change!