My reading class recently completed research on Native American tribes that inhabited California at one time. Students chose to display the information they researched on a brochure, poster, or newspaper article and presented their information to the class. I am very pleased with the results! I currently have their work displayed on one of my classroom bulletin boards. Many students from other classes have been very interested to read about what my students learned!
Most of my science classes are participating in this year's science fair. My 3rd and 5th period science classes worked together to research and test the effects of groundwater pollution on the aquatic environment. The students have really enjoyed working on this for the past month, and next week they'll finally get to present the work they accomplished at the science fair! Here are some pictures I took of what they did.
Our control, organic fertilizer, and regular fertilizer tanks. Which one do you think was better for the organisms?
The holding tank.
Our new class pet, Snailie, who likes to ride underneath lily pads!
We are reading Island of the Blue Dolphins in our reading class. A few weeks ago, students completed an assignment where they researched an animal that inhabits the Californian islands, and then they created a diorama of their animal to present to the class. Here are some pictures of the work my students did, which was displayed in the media center's display case!
As a positive incentive plan and a way to encourage my students to actively complete their reading homework each night, I have integrated Homeworkopoly into our daily activities to reward students who complete their homework. Each night a student completes a reading assignment, the next day the student gets to move his/her piece by rolling a die. Depending on where they land on the board, the student may earn free computer time after classwork is complete, a free homework pass, they may be able to borrow a book from my library, etc. Here is a picture of the board.
