Last year was HMS's first Science Fair. This year HMS will be having a STEM Fair (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Fair). All of my science classes will be required to work in groups in class and submit a project for the STEM Fair. Students will be required to gather information throughout the week to work in class on projects towards the end of each week.

As of now, my science classes are learning about the steps of completing a STEM Fair project by me guiding them through an example project. Once students have learned about the necessary steps, I will begin to give students due dates for gathering information to work in class on their STEM Fair projects.

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected].

Example STEM Fair Board

Students will participate in an example STEM Fair project and create example mini boards before beginning their own STEM Fair projects.
6/8/2016 05:09:13 pm



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